Makeup, fashion, and me.

Archive for the ‘Half Baked’ Category

I love makeup, but lately I have been drawing a blank on were to buy it. I mean Sephora is awesome, but the prices… not so much. And I love just stopping at CVS but the choices aren’t always top quality. So, help a girl out and tell me, where do you buy your makeup?

Or the nicer, more expensive specialty store makeup?

Or the nicer, more expensive specialty store makeup?

Should I buy the cheaper, lower quaility drugstore makeup?

Should I buy the cheaper, lower quaility drugstore makeup?

Here’s a Half Baked! Everybody loves to be tan, but sometimes it can be hard. So if you want to get tan quick,

Stay on a boat long enough and youll have a tan as gorgeous as hers!

Stay on a boat long enough and you'll have a tan as gorgeous as hers!

spend some time on a boat. The water reflects and magnifies the light so the extra light goes to giving you a picture perfect tan. Just remember to wear sunscreen, burned is worse than pale!


Comment!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Did you never know this? Or have you been using this tip for decades? Tell!

Here’s a half baked! Have you ever woken up in the morning to find that your hair has magically turned from gorgeous waves to a rat nest? If you have you know that it’s not the most pleasant experience in the world and I’m sure you would be happy to avoid it.  So how do you avoid it? You listen to me! Right before you go to bed, find two hair ties. Then make two braids. When you wake up the next morning brush the ends of your hair sticking out of your hair tie before taking out the braid. Brush out the braid and ta da, you have gone from braided to beautiful.

Try to make your braids loose like these.

Try to make your braids loose like these.

Here’s a half baked! If you like it (the badge) just go to to get your very own ‘I’m very nice’ badge.
Now a nice story.
I was walking out of Dunkin’ Donuts (I’m like addicted to their coffee) and my hands were full and all of a sudden a lady walks up and opens the door for me. There was another door that you had to open before you could leave Dunkin’ Donuts and I ran a head of here and opened the door for her! It was the sweetest random act of kindness that we (me and the lady) both contributed to, and I shall remember  it for the rest of my life.
Do you have a nice story? You can leave a comment saying it to me, or to, or both! I would liketo give credit to because after all, it was their idea.
This unrefined sugar will keep your food sweet and is on your diet, how awesome is that?

This unrefined sugar will keep your food sweet and is on your diet, how awesome is that?

Here’s a Half  Baked! Now there are many diets out there that have a lot of planning going into them like only eating a certain amount of calories and what not but with diet you don’t have to count calories or eat salad, all  you have to do is not eat refined sugar. You can still have sugar but it can be refined white sugar it has to be as some like to call it, raw sugar. Raw sugar is made up of big (approximately 1/4 of a centimeter)chunks of light brown sugar, just don’t confuse it with brown sugar because they have distinctly different flavors. So were can you find this raw sugar? Well there is a brand that sells it and it’s called (the suspense builds!) ‘Sugar in the raw’ . They come in packets and containers and I have seen some at Starbucks but never at Dunkin’ donuts. So grab a packet of  ‘ sugar in the raw’ and make your way to a  slimmer, sexier, healthier you.

P.S. My favorite drink that is made with unrefined sugar is Honest Tea’s, Black Forest Berry. It’s refreshind and with only 60 calories a bottle, it must have been made in heaven.

Here’s a Half  Baked! So I know that I’ve already posted about nail polish, but today I was painting my nails and I kind of “re-discovered’ a well known tip that I’d like to reinforce is always apply a base coat! My new twist on the tip is that when ever you paint your nails your painting routine should look like this,

  1. clear base coat
  2. nail polish
  3. clear base coat
  4. nail polish
  5. details (spots, flowers, ect.) or nail polish
  6. base coat/top coat.

Why this new base coat crazyness? By applying a base coat you  basically make your nails mistake proof. When you apply a base coat you make it so that if you mess up on the coat above it you can just wipe it off. This 6 steps routine will keep your nails ba, ba, boom, fabulous.

Half  Bakeds are the new posts on my blog that you could kind of compare to fast facts. They are short, fun facts that will help you out, whether it’s with fashion, makeup, or weight. I will still post long posts but Half Bakeds will be more frequently. So it’s basicly it’s a lazy (who isn’t, truly?) version of  a post.  Stay tuned because a Half  Baked is coming up!

May 2024
