Makeup, fashion, and me.

Archive for April 2009

Summer = sandals. Sandals = summer. Simple as that. But there is a catch, sandals can make you look like your just about 10 years old. So what sandals are sophisticated and what sandals are stupid? Read more to find out.

A good sandal is a platform heel, especially one like the one below with a lovely floral pattern. Heels are always awesome (check out my post, the how to on high heeled shoes) platforms are always awesome, and together they are double awesome. This is also good for shorter people because it will add approximately 4 inches.

These are young but still very mature.

These sandals are young, but still very mature.

Flip flops are hard to do right, but when done right they are absolutely gorgeous. They are delightfully casual but still so mature and chic.

Theses sandals are more casual then the other ones Ive shown today, but they are still gorgeous.

Theses sandals are more casual then the other ones I've shown today, but they are still beautiful.

These cute practically gladiator style sandals are so classic and chic and they would be perfect with your favorite little black (or red) dress.

This are perfect for a night dancing, or a fancey dinner out.

This are perfect for a night dancing, or a fancey dinner out.

And lastly, these bright high heels are elongating and cute!

This are cute and oh so bright.

This are cute and oh so bright.

Wear these cute sandals and you’ll avoid childish but stay modern.

Ever had one of those fat days, where for some strange reason you just feel incredibly fat? Well I know those days and they are not that kind, so I (you can thank me later) found the answer, these clothes.

This shirt is perfect to wear with a pair of colored jeans, and the big belt will help hold in any extra cupcake pounds.

This is perfect for holding in unwanted belly fat.

It's neutral color and the loose bottom helps hide unwanted belly fat.

Another tip that you might not have considered before is elastic waist band jeans. Cute ones can be hard to find , but when you find the right pair, you’ll discover that an elastic waist band is really helpful on the, one-to-many-pieces-of-cake days.

These pants expand to fit you, even on fat days.

These pants expand to fit you, even on fat days.

One piece of clothing that may surprise you is, sunglasses. As long as they’re big, they will help distract people from your mid-section, to your face.

I admit that these are a bit over the top, but they definatly would distract people from your mid-section.

I admit that these are a bit over the top, but they definitely would distract people from your mid-section.

Big jewelry also helps distract attention from your mid section.

This are sophisicated and slimming.

These are sophisticated and slimming.

Try wearing these and you’ll find that fat days have just become a lot less fat.

Summer is coming, in fact,  summer is here!( It was 90 degrees were I live today, I know it was crazy!) And with summer comes sunglasses and with sunglasses comes the whispers, “what is she wearing” or just “what the…!?” and so this post is dedicated to keeping those whispers silent.

If you are going to wear colored sunglasses then make sure that they don’t match your shirt or paints, pink sunglasses and pink shorts or a pink shirt just aren’t cool. If you REALLY want to match your sunglasses with something match them with your shoes, it’s cute and totally not over the top.

These can be faboules paired with a cute pair of matching shoes.

These can be fabulous paired with a cute pair of matching shoes.

If you are going for the more cool, I work at burgerking but secretly I’m a spy look, then buy the classic black sunglasses with the metal rim at the top.

This are classic and oh so dangeresly sexy.

This are classic and oh so dangeresly sexy.

And if you want the cute, come and kiss me look, then buy thick colored glasses which you can find for cheap at basicly ever clothe or accsesories store, but I recamend Claires.

This are cute, chic, and most importantly cheap.

This are cute, chic, and most importantly cheap.

This sunglasses will keep you from looking like a fool but will keep you totally cool.

T-shirts are great, but do you want to know what’s greater? Over sized T-shirts. They can be difficult, sometimes looking too sloppy, but if done right, they can be totally chic and modern.

When wearing an over sized T-shirt make sure it’s very over sized. So get an extra large instead of a medium, even if you’re an extra small! If you wear anything less it will just look sloppy.

Gorgeus girl, gorgeus shirt, gorgeous picture.

Gorgeous girl, gorgeous shirt, gorgeous picture.

When choosing an over sized T-shirt, make sure it’s something bright and happy, a perfect place to get bright happy and cheap ( very important!)  over sized T-shirts is Old Navy. They have  a wide range of clothes, so while getting a T-shirt get a matching bag too!

To keep the over sized T-shirt from looking sloppy wear it with skinny jeans. If you wore a baggy jeans and an over sized T-shirt you would like you just rolled out of bed (in a bad way). And lastly, the most important rule of all: always belt your over sized T-shirt. If want your over sized T-shirt to look like a short dress, belt it at the waist. If you want it to look like a T-shirt belt it loosely so the belt falls slightly above your hips. This new trend is totally hip, casual, and chic, and after reading this post, totally you.

Bronzer will have you glowing in no time.

Bronzer will have you glowing in no time.

Bronzer is difficult. Plain and simple, it’s just difficult. When you put on to much, you look like an orange. When you put on too little, it gets blotchy and you look like you have a rash. But when applied right, you can end up looking like a golden goddess, and all the bronzer troubles are suddenly worth it.

Powder   Bronzer.

To start take the bronzer brush and sweep from the middle of your cheeks up to your cheek bones. Then apply a little bit to your chin, forehead, an all the way down to the tip of your nose.

Liquid Bronzer.

Squeeze a small amount of liquid bronzer into your hands and rub them together. Then apply that little bit of bronzer to your whole face and neck. If you forget to apply it to your neck you’ll get a very unnaturel look. Then apply a small bit more to your cheek bones, nose, chin, and forehead.

How to choose the right color.

When choosing bronzer only choose at most 2 shades darker then your skin tone. If you want a sunkissed look, apply only a small amount, and only 1 shade darker then your  skin tone. If you want a tanned look, apply a medium amount and it should be 2 shades darker then your skin tone.

Your  finished look

Your finished look should be a beautiful golden tan that will have you saying “HA!” to harmful sun rays.

This will make your skin soft and incredable smooth.

My treatment will leave your skin soft and incredibly smooth.

Facial are an essential part of keeping your face clean and glowing, but they are costly (what isn’t these days?) and some can hurt like face peels. So I have discovered the perfect DIY (do it yourself) facial.

First, take a shower, feeling clean and beautiful makes the whole experience nicer. Also the steam in the shower helps open up your pores so they can release dirt and grime that can cause pimples.

After getting out of the shower run a wash cloth under hot water and rub the wash cloth on your face, this also helps to open up pores.

After applying the washcloth use a facial scrub. You can easily make one by putting honey (if you can, use Manuka honey, it has special healing properties) and sugar into a bowl and mixing, easy as pie, right? Then put the scrub on your face and move your hands in slow circular movements, this opens the pores and takes out all the dirt and washes it away.

Wash the scrub off with warm water. After the scrub completely washes off, take a handful of honey (once again, preferable Manuca honey) and put it evenly on to your face. This soothes skin that might have been irritated by the scrub and also moisturizes. Leave the honey on for at least 30 minutes. My favorite pastime during this is to paint my nails, that way when  your completely finished with your facial, you’ll have beautiful nails too.

Only paint your toenails, because if you paint your nails you might rub off the polish when removing  the honey. I find that after this whole experience my skin is left soft and surprisingly smooth, and that I am also calm and relaxed. This treatment is perfect for a night in with friends  or a mother/daughter bonding experience.

This unrefined sugar will keep your food sweet and is on your diet, how awesome is that?

This unrefined sugar will keep your food sweet and is on your diet, how awesome is that?

Here’s a Half  Baked! Now there are many diets out there that have a lot of planning going into them like only eating a certain amount of calories and what not but with diet you don’t have to count calories or eat salad, all  you have to do is not eat refined sugar. You can still have sugar but it can be refined white sugar it has to be as some like to call it, raw sugar. Raw sugar is made up of big (approximately 1/4 of a centimeter)chunks of light brown sugar, just don’t confuse it with brown sugar because they have distinctly different flavors. So were can you find this raw sugar? Well there is a brand that sells it and it’s called (the suspense builds!) ‘Sugar in the raw’ . They come in packets and containers and I have seen some at Starbucks but never at Dunkin’ donuts. So grab a packet of  ‘ sugar in the raw’ and make your way to a  slimmer, sexier, healthier you.

P.S. My favorite drink that is made with unrefined sugar is Honest Tea’s, Black Forest Berry. It’s refreshind and with only 60 calories a bottle, it must have been made in heaven.

Here’s a Half  Baked! So I know that I’ve already posted about nail polish, but today I was painting my nails and I kind of “re-discovered’ a well known tip that I’d like to reinforce is always apply a base coat! My new twist on the tip is that when ever you paint your nails your painting routine should look like this,

  1. clear base coat
  2. nail polish
  3. clear base coat
  4. nail polish
  5. details (spots, flowers, ect.) or nail polish
  6. base coat/top coat.

Why this new base coat crazyness? By applying a base coat you  basically make your nails mistake proof. When you apply a base coat you make it so that if you mess up on the coat above it you can just wipe it off. This 6 steps routine will keep your nails ba, ba, boom, fabulous.

Half  Bakeds are the new posts on my blog that you could kind of compare to fast facts. They are short, fun facts that will help you out, whether it’s with fashion, makeup, or weight. I will still post long posts but Half Bakeds will be more frequently. So it’s basicly it’s a lazy (who isn’t, truly?) version of  a post.  Stay tuned because a Half  Baked is coming up!

I’ve had bad hair days, I’ve had bad clothes days, but more then anything, I’ve had bad blush days. You know those days when you put on blush that’s too red and you and up looking like you’ve been sitting on the beach for days without sun screen? Or the days you put on blush that’s too pink and you end up looking like a barbie doll? Well don’t worry because after reading this post your days of ugly blushing will be over!

This modern new blush is perfect for a night out with friends or even a wedding!

This modern new blush is perfect for a night out with friends or even a wedding!

Bright pinks are  perfect for dark skin (a.k.a. olive to ash) so if you have dark skin you can wear cotton candy pinks! There so light, so cute, and so fresh, they work perfectly for work, a night, out or just feelin’ pretty at home.

This classic look is good for any skin type (depending on how you apply it).

This classic look is good for any skin type (depending on how you apply it).

Next we have the dark red blush that can be used, if used in moderation. The perfect skin type for this blush is all of them! Depending on how much you apply it can be used on the fairest skin, to the darkest skin.

This dangerous blush can easily be misused. So my advice is, stay away!

This dangerous blush can easily be misused. So my advice is, stay away!

Last but not least, we have the dark mocho blushes. These are the most dangerous blushes out there because they are very hard to use. Think of them as bronzers, just a little too much and you look like a fool, so to save everone some time and trouble I would just say, don’t use them. They are confusing and easy to mess up so you should stay away.

Now that you’re a blush experts go and buy your perfect shade and wear it like it’s going out of style. (Which it never will because well, blush rocks.)

April 2009
