Makeup, fashion, and me.

Posts Tagged ‘sunglasses

Like the Lady Gaga style but don’t want to spend the money? Me too. I love her style, but until today I haven’t figured out how to get her edge without spending $100. Not anymore, because now I know.

Have you ever seen pictures of Lady Gaga rockin’ the sunglasses? You should have, ’cause she constantly wearing them. Here are some pictures to show you what they look like (most of the time.)

The swimsuit, so Gaga, but looks expensive (and uncomfertable! Is anyone else thinking super wedgie!) But the sunglasses, so Gaga, ans so wallet friendly.

The swimsuit, so Gaga, but looks expensive (and uncomfortable! Is anyone else thinking super wedgie!) But the sunglasses, so Gaga, and so wallet friendly.

And here are the magic glasses again.

And here are the magic glasses again.

And again.

And again.

And (this time while performing) again.

And (this time while performing) again.

Are you  noticing a trend here? Thick frames, square dark lenses, and Gaga confidence. So were do you find the look for cheap? You can find it right here.

These may mot be exactly like Gaga, but common, they totally got the Gaga edge. And for only $8.49 at, you cant afford not to buy them. To look at them, click her

These may mot be exactly like Gaga, but come on, they totally got the Gaga edge. And for only $8.49 at, you can't afford not to buy them.

To look at them more, click here.

These are even more gaga-y (but they are $77.99, click here to find out more) and totally Gaga. They are at high risk of selling out, so  if you want these, get the Gaga look soon.

These are even more gaga-y (but they are $77.99) and totally Gaga. They are at high risk of selling out, so if you want these, get the Gaga look soon.

Click here to find out more.

And these are possible the most Gaga of all the sunglasses here. Want to here the best part? They cost only $59.99! To buy them click here.

And these are possible the most Gaga of all the sunglasses here. Want to hear the best part? They cost only $59.99!

To buy them click here.

So Gaga-ify yourself and get some cool shades, because you don’t need to be a pop star to look like one.

If you are willing to spend some cash, look at my other Gaga post, Go gaga for Lady Gaga. 3 not so scary Gaga inspired outfits.

Comment!                                                                                                                                                                                                        How do you Gaga-ify yourself? Do you have any tips? Tell!

Summer is coming, in fact,  summer is here!( It was 90 degrees were I live today, I know it was crazy!) And with summer comes sunglasses and with sunglasses comes the whispers, “what is she wearing” or just “what the…!?” and so this post is dedicated to keeping those whispers silent.

If you are going to wear colored sunglasses then make sure that they don’t match your shirt or paints, pink sunglasses and pink shorts or a pink shirt just aren’t cool. If you REALLY want to match your sunglasses with something match them with your shoes, it’s cute and totally not over the top.

These can be faboules paired with a cute pair of matching shoes.

These can be fabulous paired with a cute pair of matching shoes.

If you are going for the more cool, I work at burgerking but secretly I’m a spy look, then buy the classic black sunglasses with the metal rim at the top.

This are classic and oh so dangeresly sexy.

This are classic and oh so dangeresly sexy.

And if you want the cute, come and kiss me look, then buy thick colored glasses which you can find for cheap at basicly ever clothe or accsesories store, but I recamend Claires.

This are cute, chic, and most importantly cheap.

This are cute, chic, and most importantly cheap.

This sunglasses will keep you from looking like a fool but will keep you totally cool.

May 2024
